Mastigamoeba aspera
Mastigamoeba aspera 003
Mastigamoeba aspera 002
Mastigamoeba aspera 008
Mastigamoeba aspera 005
Mastigamoeba aspera 006
Mastigamoeba aspera 007
Mastigamoeba aspera 010
Mastigamoeba aspera 009
Mastigamoeba aspera (Schulze, 1875) is a very interesting little amoeba that lives in the depth of organics-rich silts of freshwater habitats. Mastigamoeba aspera has rod shaped bacteria that live as ektosymbionts in a rich glycocalix surrounding the plasma membran.
M. aspera has a vesicular nucleus with a oval shaped nucleolus. The body contains yellow and orange granules. There are mono- as well as multinucleate forms. Only mononucleate forms have a long flagella (approx. 100 µm) at the anterior end. The flagella basal apparatus is located on top of the nuclear envelope (Karyomastigote).
M. aspera is 35-100 µm in length and 20-40 µm in width.